EARLY PLEASANTVIEW LANGERAK SPRING ROS: Sim get fit RESIDENTS: Brittany, Joe and Vanessa: Adults Bruce and Banner: cats narrated by Brittany So we have decided to move house, we thought the other ones way to big for just the three of us Vanessa is now home from University and welcome some neighbours that we haven't met yet and cats are still fighting Vanessa didn't get on along with Lilith Pleasant back from work and it is time for my elder birthday Can't believe i can now retire. Vanessa had a date with Meadow Thayer and it went very well and a kiss too Joe and I chilled in the evening skilling and making the cats comfortable. Skilling and chatting Vanessa is telling Joe she is pleased that we moved and the cats are still fighting and Vanessa find outs she is pregnant Lightning set the tree on fire and the rain stopped sadly a walk by caught up in the flames and died we managed to put it out before anybody else died. luckily Vanessa was a work while it was...