EARLY PLEASANTVIEW BACHELOR/CALIENTE UNIVERSITY RESIDENTS: Madeline Bachelor: fortune: repair 50 junk cars Paige Caliente: Knowledge: have 3 robots and marry one narrated by Madeline freshman semester one Poor old Paige had a streaker on her first day and i worked on my term paper and Paige was off to work on hers. GRADES AND GPA BOTH 4.0 AND A+ Freshman Semester Two Paige and I did now and then watch television or do our assignment or hangout with other dormies Paige and I just kept our heads down at university and worked really hard but we now and then have quick girl chat and this dormie was angry at something. GRADES AND GPA BOTH 4.0 AND A+ Sophomore Semester One Paige and discussing how we made in to the top league and passing our freshman year working here and everywhere GRADES AND GPA BOTH 4.0 AND A+ Sophomore Semester Two a little break for us and we do eat and and play GRADES AND GPA BOTH 4.0 AND A+ Junior Semester One Paige working on her assignment and...