EARLY PLEASANTVIEW SUMMER LOTHARIO ROS: living with nature RESIDENTS: Sabrina: Adult Cameron: Teenager Jake: Dog narrated by Sabrina I took Cameron to the cinema not sure if he really wanted to go with his mum but we did enjoy the movie and we brought some new stuff too when we got home Cameron gave Jake a bath and then Jake licked the puddle from the bath Jake wanted to try and live outside for a while, he even grilled his own food and he also slept in a tent too. I had the day off today and fed Jake gave him another bath and spent most of the day painting Cameron gave Jake bed a clean he did his homework and spend some time on the computer playing games more time with Jake and when Cameron got home from school he went off to university I did some gardening and i also slept in the tent, it wasn't that comfortable. I played with Jake and got in the maid's way and gardener carried trimming the flowers I also used the grill outside for some food and i tried to fix ...