EARLY PLEASANTVIEW GOTH/PLEASANT UNIVERSITY RESIDENTS: Alexander Goth: Knowledge ltw Ecological Guru Angela Pleasant: Romance ltw 20 Good Vacation Lilith Plesant: Popularity ltw Captain Hero Narrated by Alexander Goth Freshman Semester One I chose my room and then started my homework as soon as possible i did use somebody else's desk Angela likes to play games on the computer Lilith watched telly and I skilled Angela met Ashley Pitt through the crystal ball and this is the dorm's cafeteria where everybody eats at all different times. OK term has ending let's see the grades and gpa's Alex A+ 4.0 Angela B 3.0 Lilith A 4.0 Freshman Semester 2 Angela plays games and Lilith works on her assignment time for class. Angela and Lilith watch a music channel together Angela and I got together she is an amazing person and i hope we have a wonderful life together. Now grades and gpa time: Alex A+ 4.0 Angela B 3.0 Lilith: A+ 4.0 Sophomore (narrated by Angela) Semester 1 ...