Alexander Goth: Knowledge ltw Ecological Guru
Angela Pleasant: Romance ltw 20 Good Vacation
Lilith Plesant: Popularity ltw Captain Hero
Narrated by Alexander Goth
Freshman Semester One
I chose my room and then started my homework as soon as possible i did use somebody else's desk
Angela likes to play games on the computer
Lilith watched telly and I skilled
Angela met Ashley Pitt through the crystal ball
and this is the dorm's cafeteria where everybody eats at all different times.
OK term has ending let's see the grades and gpa's
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela B 3.0
Lilith A 4.0
Freshman Semester 2
Angela plays games and Lilith works on her assignment
time for class.
Angela and Lilith watch a music channel together
Angela and I got together
she is an amazing person
and i hope we have a wonderful life together.
Now grades and gpa time:
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela B 3.0
Lilith: A+ 4.0
Sophomore (narrated by Angela) Semester 1
I don't what it is about Alex he just so good and caring and smart too.
this strange man barged into my room and wanted Alex and I to do exercise
this dormie wanted to chat about dresses in the bathroom
Lilith and I love gaming together
Alex loves to learn, but i prefer gaming.
we did play some games together
OK grades and gpa's time.
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela B 3.0
Lilith B+ 3.6
Sophomore Semester two
We had an early class
Alex decided to clean the men's bathroom
Alex gets on great with Lilith and their like to do their homework together
Lilith and I get on great and love spending time together we even played chess together
I brought some drums for the dorm, and why not.
Alex learns all sort of things. and the it is grades and gpa's time:
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela B+ 3.2
Lilith A+ 3.7
Junior (narrated by Lilith) Semester One
early or late gaming session
and i got hungry after the gaming session
I must had a good party at some time either at home or at the dorms
and a gossip with my sister
Alex finishing off his term paper. He likes to get things out of the way.
We sat with Angela while she ate
I have a great relationship with Alex he is like a little brother to me
some of the mascots here are weird, not use to them just turning out of nowhere and causing havoc in the dorms.
a gaming session with Alex and Angela
and the end of the last exam of the semester, so here goes grades and gpa's:
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela C+ 3.1
Lilith A+ 3.7
Junior Semester two
Alex is finishing up his assignment and i am going to play chess with my sister
then Alex and Angela played some chess with a dude watching them
We all managed to eat together
and i have a date with
Dustin Broke but he did prank me with a joy buzzer
but i gave him a back massage instead
and Angela brought a bass for the dorm too.
and end of term has come again, let's get to the grades and gpa's:
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela C 3.0
Lilith B+ 3.5
Seniors (narrated by Alex) Term One
how dear i think Angela has that look on her face
when she has to do the cleaning.
i maxed out my logic skill while playing chess with Lilith
Angela chatted to one of the dorm ladies about make-up
time for homework, and the mascot have been making a mess again
Lilith skills
and i get a kiss from my girlfriend. Let's look at the grades and gpa's:
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela C 2.9
Lilith B+ 3.5
Senior Term two
My last homework ever
and term assignment
the girls spend time in the hot tub
and actually did an assignment, and the last of the grades and gpa's:
Alex A+ 4.0
Angela C 2.9
Lilith B 3.4
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