EARLY PLEASANTVIEW LANGERAK SUMMER ROS: 28 there a cow on your lawn RESIDENTS: Cassandra and Kaylynn: Elders Brittany and Joe: Adults Luis and Vanessa: Toddlers Bruce and Banner: cats narrated by Joe My-in-laws love restoring cars and were at very early in the morning but are also helping looking after the twins they are both retired and love to talk about the weather I got a promotion and found a cow in the garden, i gave it some food it was very tame and let me pet it. Brittany also got another promotion and the cats still don't like each other. The cow seemed lonely We got it a calf to spend time with the children play another promotion for me and time for the toddlers to become children. Vanessa runs to Brittany when she comes home from work Kaylynn pets the cow. time for work and the cow and calf are doing well the calf even came to see the children fishing Teamwork is the dream work Skilling for some and the children watch television the headmaster of the p...