ROS: 51 family heirloom Deco item worth £1000

Alex and Angela: Adults
Amy: Teenager
Sierra: Child
Gabrielle: Toddler
Lulu: Dog

narrated by Alex

time to have a visit outside this house

Angela and I went to Gothier Green Lawns nothing

really much here to do or see.

a cuddle for Gabby

Sierra plays with Lulu

Ryan Mclean and Amy had a date

and her first kiss too.

Gabby also likes to give Lulu cuddles

and now my youngest is a child

and certainly looks like her sisters

the girls all skilling together.

I am glad the girls love spending time together

off to my job

Angela is working on the computer

Sierra comes home with an A+

and Angela helps Gabby with her homework too

and I get my ltw of Ecological Guru new ltw max 5 hobbies

Amy managed a quick visit to her Saloon

and when she came back helped Lulu have a bath

Fishing for the girls again before school

not sure about my outfit for my job

back to the saloon for Amy

time for Sierra to be a teenager but i missed it as i work all day and night. Sierra is a pleasure sims and wants to be something and is gay.

and Amy goes off to University i said my goodbye before i left for work

and Lulu protects the house.

back from work and i need to get some clothes on

the butler trims the graves

and sadly Lulu dies

I chat to Sierra when she comes home from school.

Angela is off to work and does she look so good.

Angela got to the top of her career

and went on a quick vacation to our new vacation house

right by the sea

she enjoyed a good swim

and made some food for people

at home Gabby was jumping in puddles in the rain

Sierra made friends with Meadow Thayer

and after Gabby had finished jumping in puddles she had shower and joined me on the sofa to skill


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