EARLY PLEASANTVIEW (MAE) LANGERAK SUMMER ROS: Get a cat RESIDENTS: Matthew and Tish: elders Caroline and Vivian: Adults narrated by Caroline Vivian and I decided to get married we invited friends and family Vivian looked beautiful and we got married and enjoyed cake and a dance even mom and dad got romantic too as we are not having children we decided to get a cat called Snowy Dad loves the cat very much Vivian plays chess before she goes to work and helps her get a promotion I am still working on getting my five badges Family and friends for tea. Dad loves the cat he also taken up knitting more flower arranging. Vivian managed to get hold of the kitten before dad but he did get a cuddle in after work I got my gold badge in flower arranging now trying to get a gold badge in sewing Vivian got a promotion and fixed the toilet There is my picture of my gold badge Snowy grew up but didn't look a Snowy anymore she tried making friends with a big dog ...
EARLY PLEASANTVIEW GOTH/PLEASANT UNIVERSITY RESIDENTS: Alexander Goth: Knowledge ltw Ecological Guru Angela Pleasant: Romance ltw 20 Good Vacation Lilith Plesant: Popularity ltw Captain Hero Narrated by Alexander Goth Freshman Semester One I chose my room and then started my homework as soon as possible i did use somebody else's desk Angela likes to play games on the computer Lilith watched telly and I skilled Angela met Ashley Pitt through the crystal ball and this is the dorm's cafeteria where everybody eats at all different times. OK term has ending let's see the grades and gpa's Alex A+ 4.0 Angela B 3.0 Lilith A 4.0 Freshman Semester 2 Angela plays games and Lilith works on her assignment time for class. Angela and Lilith watch a music channel together Angela and I got together she is an amazing person and i hope we have a wonderful life together. Now grades and gpa time: Alex A+ 4.0 Angela B 3.0 Lilith: A+ 4.0 Sophomore (narrated by Angela) Semester 1 ...
UNIVERSITY CALIENTE RESIDENTS: Dina: Fortune, earn $100,000 Nina: Romance, world famous ballet dancer narrated by Nina Freshman 1st Semester Well Dina and I are here, we shall see what happens I skilled from a book, while Dina skipped like a child I played on the computer that came with my room. Dina and I also danced together some of the men here look quite nice not sure about the chef setting the cooker alight. Well let's see how we did for the first semester Dina A+ 4.0 Nina A+ 4.0 Freshman 2nd Semester I had a date with Don at some lounge on a campus also had some fun with a professor Dina loves to paint she went somewhere to clear her head this guy also wants to kiss me too. Well that wraps up our first term, let's see how we did Dina A+ 4.0 Nina B 3.5 Sophomore Semester One That creepy guy that was talking to me, chatted to Dina We also hired a maid and gossiped about the fire I wish the dormies would do the coursework and not leave on the tables I am having lots of fun ...
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