Brandi: Adult Family ltw Graduate 3 children from college
Skip: Adult: Popularity ltw Hall of Famer
Dustin: Child

narrated by Brandi

Skip likes to joke around and tries to by funny with a teddy bear

I made some breakfast

But i don't think it agreed with me

Skip helped Dustin with his homework

I managed to get a job in the culinary career.

It is so nice to wake up with somebody

and I am pregnant

We don't have a lot of money but i popped down the local shops to get some food

and relaxed in the sunshine while waiting for the cab back home.

I was making food and i got distracted

and a fire started but it was OK as a fire person come and put out the fire.

Skip got a promotion

but poor Skip and Dustin has to eat the burnt food.

Dustin was telling me all about his biology class, they talked about rats and other animals

Skip practices talking to himself in the mirror hopefully catch up with skills

I took maternity leave and just chilled at home and made some comfort soup

Skip got another promotion

and I helped Dustin with his homework.

Dustin is getting excited it is his birthday soon and he can't wait to become a teenager

I thought i heard a noise there is only me in the house

time to feed me and the baby growing in my stomach

and i woke up from a sleep with labour pains

We had twins a boy called Beau and girl called Bernice

Skip got a promotion and fed Dustin some grilled cheese sandwiches

and i got a promotion too.

Skip made a little pond for Dustin to fish in

I chilled on the computer

I love the twins but they are a lot of work, Skip had to go to work

No promotion for Skip but just in time to see

Dustin grow into a teenager

and the babies into toddlers


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