ROS: 75 (kill of a sim)

Herb and Coral: Elders
Mary-Sue and Daniel: Adults
Angela and Lilith: Teenagers

narrated by Mary-Sue

it is Christmas morning

Dan and I

give the children their presents

We also have a game of don't wake the llama 

Dan has to go into work but we carry on playing

once he has got back Coral has made us a turkey dinner

For some reason Daniel went out and raked and burnt some leaves.
Daniel and Angela chat about something

maybe it was about boys

she is rather keen on abhijeet

both Angela managed to get to the top their teenager career and Daniel got another promotion too.

Daniel having a chat with Lilith maybe it the same one he had with Angela

Dan and I made some time to spend together

it was very nice

the girls want to off to university so they do their homework

i got another promotion at work

sadly my dad Herb died while doing the gardening

i was in a bit of shock at first

it didn't seem real

and then mum (coral) decided to start tidying up around his grave which will be moved.

She misses Herb so much, their have been married a long time

Coral put her time and energy into making pottery stuff

we had a repairman come and fix something

homework for the girls

and then we had a terrible phone call, Daniel was killed by a lighting strike on the pitch.

i am still in shock from my dad death and now this, How i am i going to cope without the two great men in my life gone. Angela was to trying to help with her conversation.

Coral got more into her pottery and i played chess

and did some work for work at home

the girls went to school and

and when their got back it was time to go off to university

Their called Coral to say that their got their safely. It is just me and my mum for now


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