Skip and Brandi: Elders
Beau and Colby: Adults
narrated by Beau
I am off to work and Colby is resting the baby is due anytime now
Colby gives Brandi a present
and mom cleans the house
Colby chatted to dad about serving food
and as he was clearing up he went into labour
Dad got a promotion at work
and picked up our daughter Kaitlin
i also brought home a promotion and a colleague.
and some more skilling for me.
mum and i were chatting
and out of now where she died
it was devastating
Dad was at work when it happened he came home as soon as he could
he retired from his job instantly to look after Kaitlin
and sadly it was Kaitlin birthday as well
she grew into a toddler
Dad helped with her talking skills
and potty skills.
We went to a church
just to sit and say goodbye to mum
then we went to the cemetery
and put mum gravestone up.
Bernice and Ryan came back to the house
they chatted and hugged dad
Dad carried on with the potty training
myself and Colby
we both got promotion with our jobs.
Dustin and Angela couldn't make to the church so their come and visited Dad instead
he is my older brother but we don't have much contact
but it was nice to see them
Colby chatted on the phone
and gave Kaitlin a hug before he went to work
Dad gave her bath
and he came back with a promotion
and so did I
Dad is great about fixing things around the house
Colby interacted with Kaitlin
I played some chess
no promotion for me this time
and i can't believe out little girl is growing up, mum would have loved her so much
and now our daughter is a child, Ryan and Bernice managed to come too.
some of my family eating birthday cake
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